Tuesday, July 26, 2011

State of Matter & Atomic Theory

States of Matter
There are five main states of matter. Solids, liquids, gases, plasmas, and Bose-Einstein condensates are all different states of matter. Each of these states is also known as a phase. Elements and compounds can move from one phase to another phase when special physical forces are present. One example of those forces is temperature. The phase or state of matter can change when the temperature changes. Generally, as the temperature rises, matter moves to a more active state.

Phase describes a physical state of matter. The key word to notice is physical. Things only move from one phase to another by physical means. If energy is added (like increasing the temperature or increasing pressure) or if energy is taken away (like freezing something or decreasing pressure) you have created a physical change.

One compound or element can move from phase to phase, but still be the same substance. You can see water vapor over a boiling pot of water. That vapor (or gas) can condense and become a drop of water. If you put that drop in the freezer, it would become a solid. No matter what phase it was in, it was always water. It always had the same chemical properties. On the other hand, a chemical change would change the way the water acted, eventually making it not water, but something completely new.

Kesimpulan: Secara fisik, ada 5 fase zat. Yaitu:
1. padat dengan susunan partikel rapat, suhu yang rendah dan energi yang rendah pula
2. cair, susunan partikel lebih renggang daripada padat, energinya pun lebih tinggi dari padat. Dimana ketika padat berubah menjadi cari, akan memerlukan energi
3. gas, susunan partikel sangat renggang, dengan energi yang lebih besar daripada padat dan cair.
4. Plasma adalah gas yang dipanaskan, energinya sangat tinggi. Contoh yang nyata bisa dilihat pada matahari, bintang
5. Bose Einstein adalah plasma yang diberikan energi/panas

* Task State of Matter
1. Make a table, and mention the differences beteween Matters (solid-liquid-gas-plasma-bose_einstein)!
*Particle Arrangement = isi dengan ‘loose’ atau ‘tight’
*Energy dan Temperature = isi dengan ‘high’ atau ‘low’

Before entering the topic: 'Atomic Theory', do this task below!
*Pre Test - Atomic Theory
1. How democritos describe the atomic theory!
2. How does ancient people describe their postulate about atom!
3. What does Dalton’s postulate about atom?
4. What are the weakness of Dalton’s postulate?
5. What things found by Thompson and James Chadwick?
6. What is Your opinion about proton, neutron and electron!

The word ATOM came from a Greek word “a tomus” meaning something that couldn’t be split up. It was Democritus (400 – 370 BC) thinking about a matter. This statement stood for about 20 centuries.

1. Democritus
The Greek word atomon means "indivisible". Democritus taught that atoms were absolutely small that they cannot break down to smaller pieces, or compressed. However, Democritus also believed that different atoms also varied in size and shape. Thus, water was made of smooth, round atoms that did not stick to each other, and thus could flow smoothly. While iron was made of jagged atoms, which allows the atoms to latch on to each other, making iron more solid than water.
Sensation, he believed, were caused by the interaction of atoms. For example, the taste "sweet" was caused by large-smooth atoms, and the color "black" is caused by rough atoms.
Since Democritus believed that everything in the universe was composed of atoms moving through the void (kenon), Democritus' philosophy did not leave room for the supernatural. Belief in gods, Democritus said, was triggered by a natural tendency of people to attribute to supernatural causes things that they could not explain.

2. John Dalton
He was the scientist who first tried to explain the great variety of substances by thinking of different combinations of atoms. He thought of atoms as solid spheres, a bit like tiny snooker balls.
*Dalton’s Postulates:
i.Each element consists of indivisible particle called atom.
ii.Each atom has same properties and different mass.
iii.The atom from each element can’t be changed become a different atom.
iv.When two or more atoms react, it will make a compound.

**The weakness:
i.In fact, atom consists of electron, proton, and also neutron. So, atom can be dividing into smaller particles.
ii.Atom which has same properties may have different mass, called isotope.
iii.By nuclear reaction, an atom can be changed into another atom (with different properties and mass of course).
iv.Some elements may consist of molecules, not just atoms. A molecule consists of same atoms in specific composition.

3. Sir Joseph John Thompson
At the end of the century, another scientist called SIR JOSEPH JOHN THOMPSON (1897) was investigating the effects of high voltages on gases. In one of his experiments (cathode ray tube; the early ancestors of television tubes), he noticed some strange rays coming from the negative electrode. He carried out more work on these rays and found that they were made from tiny negatively charged particles. Their mass was much less than that of any atom. He said that the negative particles were ELECTRONS. He believed that they must have come from inside the atoms in his apparatus. He also knew that atoms were neutral they had no overall charge on them. So he suggested that the electrons were embedded in a cloud of positive charge.

4. Sir Ernst Rutherford
The history of radioactivity at this time was important. In 1909 two students of Manchester University working with SIR ERNST RUTHERFORD did an experiment that would again change the way we think about atoms. They fired heavy radioactive at a very thin gold foil, they called ALPHA. Thompson explained their result by suggesting new model of the atom. He thought that the positive charge was not spread out in a cloud as in Plum Pudding theory. He believed that all positive charge was packed into a very small, incredibly dense nucleus at the centre of the atom.
What about the electrons? Rutherford pictured them as flying around the nucleus at high speeds.
However, Rutherford couldn’t explain, the energy of the electron when used to rounds the nucleus (it doesn’t falling down to the nucleus).

5. Niels Bohr
A few years later NIELS BOHR (1913) was trying to explain atomic spectra. These are the characteristic amounts of energy given out (or absorbed) by different atoms. He said that electron won’t absorb or emit energy when rounds the nucleus, however the energy will be absorbed or emitted when the electron are excited.
The other explanations are:
i.The electron rounds the nucleus on specific energy levels, called orbits.
ii.An electron can’t be in two different states of energy levels, it should on the lowest energy level it has, called ground state.